Our enterprise strives to develop strong business relationships with suppliers that can provide a wide range of goods and services at the best possible value to our company. The goal of the supplier diversity process is to engage minority-owned, women-owned, veteran owned, disabled veteran owned, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) - owned and other diverse business enterprises in all aspects of business.

Certification Criteria:

  • Our enterprise requires certification by a third party certifying agency.
  • The company must be at least 51% owned and operated by a United States citizen who is a member of one of the above groups.
  • If you are not certified but are a current supplier, please contact us at supplierdiversity@highmark.com
  • If you are not certified but are a current supplier of Allegheny Health Network (AHN), please contact us at supplierdiversity@highmark.com
  • If you are not certified but are a current supplier of Gateway Health Plan, please contact us at supplierdiversity@GatewayHealthPlan.com

Begin Your Registration

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By submitting your information, you will be entered into our supplier database. If we have an opportunity related to your submission, we will contact your organization for further information. A submission to the database does not guarantee a business opportunity.

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Tier II Reporting Program

Welcome to the AHN & Highmark Health Tier II Spend Reporting Tool.

AHN & Highmark Health thank you for participating in our supplier diversity efforts. We look forward to working with your company to explore better ways to serve our customers, consumers and communities now and in the future. The AHN & Highmark Health program reinforces our commitment to an innovative and inclusive procurement process.